- Facebook live stream agenda! Google Facebook YouTube using fake fear to coverup truth! – 17m
- Live Child Sacrifices On Facebook are The new Norm by RichieFromBoston -4m
- Joseph in Egypt – The Research and Discoveries of Ron Wyatt by DAJORIVISION -7m
- 22 Year Old Prophecy Now PLAYING OUT This Mystical Rabbi’s Been Right Before. by Lisa Haven -4m
- Undercover ‘Convert” Busts CAIR and the Islamic Agenda for America 2017 by JoshTolley -23m
- Secret Museum! by L. A. Marzulli -7m
- Weird Cloud in the Sky or is there something else? by 2outoflove -2m
- FOIA Documents Released By Court Order Expose Obama Funneled Millions To Soros! by MLordandGod -7m
- EXPOSED: Top Obama Official Stabs Him In The Back on Climate Change by MLordandGod -4m
- The Globe Symbology – Flat Earth Research by MIG MAG -5m