- What is inside a Freemason KJV Bible? – Vid by UrBrain Wash
- The Employee – Vid by Larth Maul
- Science vs Scientism Ep. 9 – Gravity……which one? – Vid by Cathexis
- Living, Breathing Flat Earth, Shooting Stars, Sky Grid – Vid by Phuket Word
- The indisputable Biblical case for a Flat Earth cosmology – Vid by Rob Skiba
- Flat Earth and Atmospheric Magnification (short version) – Vid by Rob Skiba
- Do boats and planes prove Flat Earth? – Vid by Rob Skiba
- Defining balltards and answering a stupid accusation with a retest – Vid by Rob Skiba
- How can the sun possibly illuminate the bottoms of clouds on the flat Earth model? – Vid by Rob Skiba
- Flat Earth good, John B Wells bad – Strange World 87 – Vid by Mark Sargent